Decolonize Work with Dr Kimberly Douglass

In this conversation, Kimberly and I compare our experiences as African descent mothers, and talk about how the educational systems prepare people to work in work environments that aren't supportive to human thriving.

Decolonize Work is a series of conversations with business leaders, educators and change makers about the hidden impact of colonization of how we define and implement "work" and the "workplace". If you are committed to cultivating work ecosystems where humans thrive, and want to personalize these conversations to your company, let's have a coffee chat about the simplest, context specific strategy for your company. Visit


Dr Kimberly Douglass is the full-time owner of Kimberly Douglass, PhD, LLC. Dr Douglass and her team are designing a world in which Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs feel they can flourish and use their neurodivergencies as business as well as creative assets. An important part of this development is their decolonizing their professional experiences so they know how to build rest and joy into their businesses.

Douglass coaches Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs one-to-one. She works with them to establish the basics: vision, mission and goals. Once the foundation has been laid, she helps them develop strategy and operational tools such as workflows that lead to revenue. Douglass' best-selling digital product is her book The Neurodivergent Entrepreneur.

Dr Douglass became a full-time business owner after working as staff, peer-reviewed researcher, faculty and administrator in higher education for over 17 years. She began the neurodivergence advocacy work over 12 years ago when she became the chief advocate for her Son who is neurodivergent. She has since gotten more in touch with her own neurodivergence. Dr Douglass is married to Dean Tate and lives in Tennessee. Contact her at

Learn more about her work at:





Decolonize Work - Caryn Gillen


Decolonize Work - Yanaëlle Ntwa