Decolonize Work - Caryn Gillen

What if decolonizing work is all about noticing the societal and cultural rules that have been imposed on us? What if we get to give ourselves permission to let go of the rules that are just not good for us? In this conversation, Caryn and Faith explore these questions and the spaciousness that we can find when we free ourselves from ways of working that do not honor who honor who we are.

Decolonize Work is a series of conversations with business leaders, educators and change makers about the hidden impact of colonization of how we define and implement "work" and the "workplace". If you are committed to cultivating work ecosystems where humans thrive, and want to personalize these conversations to your company, let's have a coffee chat about the simplest, context specific strategy for your company.

About Caryn:-

Caryn Gillen is a Master Certified Life Coach coming to you from Eugene, Oregon. She holds multiple coach certifications and has a Masters in Counseling Psychology.

Her experience includes commercial fishing, family business, project management, restaurant service/management, and the hotel management side of small ship cruising, among other things.

She has been concerned with revenue generation and client services since before she can remember! Her earliest work being lemonade stands, sweeping the floor at her dad’s shop, and performing traditional Norwegian folk dances for tourists who made it to Alaska’s Little Norway.

Caryn loves and coaches two distinct groups of people. She mentors fellow life coaches who are moving into their identity as business leaders. And, she is a mindset and life coach for founders who have had all the success they initially dreamed of and are now asking “What’s next?”

Connect with her at


Decolonize Work - Dr. Angela Lauria


Decolonize Work with Dr Kimberly Douglass