Building work spaces where inclusion and belonging are the norm means…

Decolonizing Work.

They value my ‘work’ and not my voice.

This is what a colleague told me after she got an award for her work from the company she was with. This resonated so deeply with me and was a part of the inspiration for this virtual listening experience, Decolonize Work.

In this series, I talked to business owners, change makers, educators and service providers about their work and how decolonization plays a role in how they do what they do. 

These conversations were life changing. I invite you to take them in, let your heart be deeply stirred and your whole being be inspired to cultivate work ecosystems where humans thrive.

If you

  • are already committed to removing systemic barriers to belonging and

  • are cultivating a work culture that supports human thriving and

  • wonder how to actually infuse workplace inclusivity and belonging into every part of the employee lifecycle without jeopardizing your business goals and profitability…

Let’s workshop it!

Our free, private team effectiveness workshops are designed to help you Decolonize Work by helping YOUR team learn the specific core team capacities that can be strengthened simply. Let’s help you create the right foundations for sustainable and regenerative work ecosystems.

Skip to Videos
  • Decolonize Work Conversations - Nina Everflow

    Decolonize Work Conversations - Nina Everflow

    E-learning specialist Nina Everflow talks with Faith about decolonizing our notions of human value in the workplace.

  • Decolonize Work - with Bart Bailey, Courage to Care

    Decolonize Work - with Bart Bailey, Courage to Care

    "You can't step on my toe and tell me that it didn't hurt"

    “What does it feel like to be free?”

    These statements hit hard as Bart and I process the systemic limitations to belonging at work, and the persistent, multi-level strategies needed to affect real change.

  • Decolonize Work with SharRon Jamison

    Decolonize Work with SharRon Jamison

    "What in our work space affects us? .. Our secrets make us sick."

    In today's conversation, SharRon and I talk about workplace well-being and the struggle to feel good and the large scale impact on worker experience in many companies.